Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Here's Why You're Broke...

Source: Odyssey

No, I'm not about to lecture you about your budgeting skills. Nor am I about to tell you to stop eating McDonalds everyday. If that's what floats your boat, sail on, Cap'n. 

What I am about to tell you to do, is an idea, an art of placement. 

One thing about Feng Shui (Pronounced Fung Shway), is you do not have to 'believe' in it, for it to work. But, I mean, you gotta have a little faith, at the least.

 Source: Inhabitat
What is Feng Shui?

Let's start with the most basic definition. Feng Shui is the ancient Chinese, mystical philosophy, that when put into action (or cures), can CHANGE YOUR LIFE. 

Ever heard of Ch'i?        Come on!      Maybe you heard it on Kung Fu Panda? No? Ok, well Ch'i (pronounced CHEE), is described as an energy. It is what flows through every living (and non-living) thing. Perfect example, Ch'i is the invisible energy that flows through your body, your home, the earth. Think of a gentle wave of air, flowing all around you. Or a nice, spring breeze flowing through fresh green grass (Say that 3x, fast).
Source: Flikr

Ok, simply put, Ch'i needs to flow easily in order for your life to have balance. If your porch light is dim, Ch'i will not be attracted to flow into your home. If your front door is difficult to open, due to a loose screw in the hinge, or it drags accross the floor, Ch'i will not flow swiftly through into your home. You could easily see how this could pose a problem for you, as you need Ch'i to flow into the rest of your home in order to nourish it. 

And you may be thinking that this has nothing to do with your finances, whatsoever. But you will be amazed at the changes you will start to notice if you do these simple cures. 

1. Kitchen
Your kitchen is where you prepare meals, one would assume. According to Feng Shui law, your kitchen has a lot to do with your financial situation. A clean kitchen says you have no problems in money matters. But this also includes keeping appliances up to date, working well, as well as keeping things organized. 

Your stove is what is said to generate money. So make sure you actually use it everyday, for at least 10 minutes. Another good idea, place a mirror above your stove to "double" its money making abilities. If your stove is in a corner, place your mirror on the wall, not only will this double, but it will make you feel as if there is more space. 

2. Office/Study
Especially if you work from home, this area has a lot to do with your finances and career. If your work area is cluttered, it says you are confused, or stressed with your career and/or finances. This means there is no room for anything else to enter, such as money or advances at work. Be sure your desk is placed just so, that your back in NOT facing the entrance of the room. You'll want to be able to see anyone coming near, this way you aren't strartled while you're trying to focus. 

Organize your space, that's obvious. This will help open up space for money and advancement. Use the colors red, black, white, yellow, and green in your office area. These 5 colors help bring balance to your work space and can help improve your earnings. Put 3 coins in a red envelope and place it on your desk. Red is a lucky color, and 3 a lucky number.

Source: one dog woof
3. Bathroom
Because there is a bit of plumbing in your bathroom, from your toilet to your sink and tub, there's plenty oppurtunity for Ch'i to flow out via the drains. This includes your prosperity. 

To perserve Ch'i, and keep it from flowing out of your home too quickly, keep everything clean and closed. Close your tub and sink drains, if you can. Also keep your shower curtain closed, as well as your toilet seat lid. Another easy cure: Hang a beautiful photograph above the toilet to kind of keep Ch'i from being flushed down the toilet. 

Source: aboutHome
4. Dining Room
First of all, make sure you are actually eating in your dining room, at the table. Don't do anything but eat at meal time, put your phone away. If you don't eat in the dining room often, it possibly says that you are experiencing a stump in finances. 
A simple cure for the dining room is to hang a picture of a distant view to "open up" and "expand" your finances. If you happen to have a rectangular mirror, you could hang this in your dining room instead. This will act as an expansion to your money obtaining skills. Note: The rectangular shape symbolizes growth.

Source: WallpaperStop
                     You can also burn 3 black or green candles at your dining table. Three being a number for growth, candles enhancing Ch'i, this cure will bring on prosperity. 

5. The Number 8
Displaying the number 8, which symbolizes business and financial stability, will help you build steadily toward your financial goals. 

So, a recap:
-Use your stove for at least 10 minutes a day.
-Hang a mirror above or next to your stove. 
-Make sure all appliances are working properly.

-Organize your workspace.
-Place your work desk so you're facing the entrance. 
-Incorporate Red, Black, Yellow, Green and White into your workspace. 
-Place 3 coins in a red envelope, place that in/around office area.

-Keep your drains, toilet seat and shower curtain(s) closed. 
-Hang a decent picture above your toilet.

-Eat in your dining room on a daily basis.
-Focus on your meal and family time while eating, not work. 
-Hang a distant view photo or a rectangular mirror in your dining room. 
-Burn 3 green or black candles at your dining table.

-Display the number 8 in your home. 

Let me know how quickly you start seeing results! I am excited to see how well these work for you! Thanks for reading. Be sure to subscribe for instant updates, or check back tomorrow for more!😘😘😘😘😘😘😘

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